Who We Are
The Providence Urbanist Network organizes area residents to promote more housing, greater density and mixed-use construction, and more non-car transportation options. Our membership includes renters and homeowners, students, workers, and retirees, people who don’t have cars and those who rely heavily on cars for transportation. Outside of PUN, our members participate in a range of other community involvement.
Our Goals
- Upzone transit-rich neighborhoods
- Legalize ADUs
- Eliminate minimum lot sizes
- Re-legalize duplexes and double houses
- Eliminate parking minimums and proactively manage congestion
- Make thoughtful changes to building height and other dimensional standards
- Identify outlets for student housing supply
- Improve the equitability and functionality of historic districts
- Adopt dual strategies for climate resilience and residential infill
- Invest in frequent, reliable non-car transit
Recent Posts
PUN Letter to Mayor Polisena on Johnston Waterman site Affordable Housing
PUN Comments on RIDOT Carbon Reduction Strategy